Software Project Python 2to3 continued... 66% coverage, >75% in the core editor...
This has been a very healthy process for the editor code, as I’ve been writing tests I’ve also rewritten code to make it much better than when I originally hacked it up. That is the thing when you’re in a hurry, often you’ll stay on a bad implementation track because you’re “close” to getting it to work. It is nice to go back and have the time and focus to reconsider a bunch of things. The tests themselves are interesting, for example I had to figure out how to resize the terminal window to test the code that resizes all the editor panes in response. That code always annoyed me and had a lot of bugs, now it is rewritten and it is very stable.
I’ve been using the python coverage tool to measure the coverage and it has also helped point out a few modules that aren’t used anymore so I’ve been improving coverage through deletion as well. I’m going to try and get the overall coverage over 70% and I need to make another pass over the minimal redraw logic as well… It still has some odd behaviors…
Then on to the backup and sync scripts that I wrote, it’s going to be interesting to create valid tests for those…