James Goodwin

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Building Project: Nightstand completed

I finished up the nightstand project that I started last post . Along the way I acquired a nice Bosch router and router table. So nice to have the proper tools for the job. I cut all of the mortises for the panels and rails using the router table. I’m still learning the right depth of cut and rate of feed, but it is getting better. There was also a lot of planning and precision and I leveled up in that area as well. I made some mistakes, but none are visible and none caused any structural problems. I also improved my painting methodology by sanding after priming before the finish color, the finish is much smoother than prior pieces. I’m still working on my brush skills and using an even amount of paint etc… but improving.

All in all I’m very happy with how well the design came out and the customer (my wife) is also very pleased.